DIAlign: Alignment of MS/MS chromatograms

Data Independent Acqusition (DIA) is a widely used method in mass-spectrometry based proteomics. DIAlign is a software for the alignment of MS/MS chromatograms across runs. We have DIAlign namespace that includes functions for building similarity matrix from raw MS2 chromatograms. On the similarity matrix, affine-alignment is performed using dynamic programming. Aligned indices, alignment path through the matrix and intermediate cumulative scoring matrices are included in the alignment object.

API documentation

For API documentation look at DIAlign namespace.

MS/MS Chromatogram group

A chromatogram is a time-series signal with time and intensity. We define a group as a collection of chromatograms having the same time values. The algorithm aligns a chromatogram group from run A to the same of run B. Both groups must contain the same number of chromatograms.

Similarity Matrix

The first step is to build a similatry score matrix between both chromatogram groups. Function getSimilarityMatrix returns the score matrix. Following similarity score methods are implemented: dotProductMasked, dotProduct, cosineAngle, cosine2Angle, euclideanDist, covariance, correlation.

Gap Penalty

Gap penalty is calculated from the distribution of similarity scores. getGapPenalty function calculates the penalty score as a certain quantile value from the similarity score distribution.


The hybrid alignment requires constraing the similarity matrix to avoid a large drift. To achieve this a constraining function is calculated externally and scores outside the certain distance from this function is penalized. ConstrainMatrix has functions to implement it. In the given example below, scoring matrix is represented as a grid between (A1, B1) and (A2, B2). X represents unconstrained scores, whereas, whitespace region is constrained.

    B1              B2
  A1 +---------------+
     |XX             |
     | XXX           |
     |  XXX          |
     |   XXX         |
     |    XXX        |
     |     XXX       |
     |      XXX      |
     |       XXX     |
  A2 +---------------+

Affine alignment

We use dynamic programming for finding highest-scoring path through the score matrix. To avoid execursions in horizontal or vertical direction, affine-alignment is used with low gap-opening penalty and high gap-extension penalties.

Given a similarity score matrix s of size n x m, or affine-alignment we calculate three matrices M, A and B each of size (n+1) x (m+1).

  • Matrix M stores the highest score for the alignment of Ai to Bj.
  • Matrix A stores the best score for the alignment of Ai to Bj given Ai is aligned to a gap.
  • Matrix B stores the highest score for the alignment of Bj to Ai, given Bj is aligned to a gap.

Example: We have following similarity matrix. Gap opening penalty = 22, gap extension penalty = 7

s 1 2 3 4 5
1 10 -2 -2 -2 -2
2 -2 10 -2 -2 -2
3 -2 -2 -2 10 -2


The corresponding M, A and B matrices are initialized with some set of rules for overlap and non-overlap alignment. See initialization for Overlap alignment and Non-overlap alignment for our example.

Best score calculation

Highest score for each cell is calculated using the following equations: \( M_{i,j} = max \left\{\begin{matrix} M_{i-1,j-1} + s_{i,j} \\ A_{i-1,j-1} + s_{i,j} \\ B_{i-1,j-1} + s_{i,j} \end{matrix}\right\} \)

\( A_{i,j} = max \left\{\begin{matrix} M_{i-1,j} - gapOpen \\ A_{i-1,j} - gapExtension \\ B_{i-1,j} - gapOpen \end{matrix}\right\} \)

\( B_{i,j} = max \left\{\begin{matrix} M_{i,j-1} - gapOpen \\ A_{i,j-1} - gapOpen \\ B_{i,j-1} - gapExtension \end{matrix}\right\} \)

It is clear that these matrices restricts the direction. Matrix M only allows diagonal path (upperleft to downright), matrix A allows up to down and matrix B permits left to right path only. The example matrices are presented for Overlap Alignment and Non-Overlap Alignment .


After calculating best cumulative score, we perform traceback and get the alignment path.

Alignment paths for Overlap alignment:

Overlap Alignment

Alignment paths for non-Overlap alignment:

Non-overlap Alignment
See also